Whether you’re an established business in search of effective advertising space, or a start-up that needs some logo and design services, AdMax has you covered.
AdMax offers a variety of advertising avenues, including Duluthian and Positively Superior Magazines, Chamber business directories, area maps, and campus coupon distribution. These tools empower businesses to reach their ideal customers effectively.
For over three decades, AdMax has been a cornerstone of local media, publishing two bimonthly magazines, a campus coupon book and more.
Contact one of our sales representatives for unique advertising opportunities.
Design Services
The Creative Department at AdMax has extensive experience in designing and producing award-winning projects for our clients, including annual reports, logos, newsletters, maps, brochures, presentation folders, newspaper and magazine ads, calendars, programs and more. Ask an AdMax sales representative for more information about our design services.

AdMax Displays l 1518 East Superior Street, Duluth, Minnesota 55812 l 218.724.2734