Indoor Advertising
AdMax offers a great selection of indoor spaces to showcase the products and services provided by your business. Contact an AdMax sales rep for rates and availability.

Wall Displays
AdMax offers large wall advertising displays in the high-traffic areas of the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center (DECC) and northwest passage of the Duluth Skywalk. Sizes range from eight feet to 12 feet wide and six feet high. These panels are a great way to get your message out to the thousands of people who visit the DECC and Amsoil Arena.

Backlit Displays
Our powerful backlit displays can be found in popular shopping centers throughout Minnesota, as well as Tobies in Hinckley, the entrance corridor to AMSOIL Arena and the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center (DECC). These bright, strategically placed units are approximately 40 inches wide by 50 inches tall and feature high-resolution, durable panels that are sure to grab the attention of shoppers, customers and event attendees.

AdMax Displays l 1518 East Superior Street, Duluth, Minnesota 55812 l 218.724.2734